Recent & Upcoming Talks


Conference EUSIPCO 2024
Gridless 2D Recovery of Lines using the Sliding Frank-Wolfe Algorithm


DATA seminar 2023
On the Shift Invariance of Max Pooling Feature Maps in Convolutional Neural Networks
Workshop ASCETE 2023
On the Shift Invariance of Max Pooling Feature Maps in Convolutional Neural Networks


Conference GRETSI 2022
Generation of graphical models


Conference GRETSI 2019
Une Approche Convexe de La Super-Résolution et de La Régularisation de Lignes 2D Dans Les Images


Gipsa-lab seminar (bis) 2018
Textures orientées et lignes dans les images / Analyse, synthèse et super-résolution
LIG seminar 2018
Anisotropic textures and lines within images: Analysis, synthesis and super-resolution
Conference Curves and Surfaces 2018
A convex approach to super-resolution and regularization of lines in images
Gipsa-lab seminar 2018
Une approche convexe de la super-résolution et de la régularisation de lignes 2-D dans les images
CEA seminar 2018
Super-résolution de signaux 1-D et 2-D


PhD defense
Modélisation de textures anisotropes par la transformée en ondelettes monogéniques


PhD day 2016
Analysis and synthesis of oriented structures
Workshop JERAA 2016
Convex Super Resolution Detection of Lines in Images
Conference EUSIPCO 2016
Convex Super-Resolution Detection of Lines in Images
Workshop ATLAS 2016
Convex Super Resolution Detection of Lines in Images


Conference GRETSI 2015
Modélisations de Textures Par Champ Gaussien à Orientation Locale Prescrite


PhD day 2014
Texture Modeling by Gaussian Fields with Prescribed Local Orientation
Conference ICIP 2014
Texture Modeling by Gaussian Fields with Prescribed Local Orientation