Kévin Polisano

Kévin Polisano

CNRS researcher in applied mathematics

Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann


I am a CNRS researcher in the SVH team of Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (LJK) at University Grenoble Alpes (UGA). My research interests include image and signal processing, wavelets, convolutional neural networks, stochastic processes and graphs analysis.

I was previously a postdoctoral fellow in a LIG team for the Data Institute of UGA where I worked with Éric Gaussier, Adeline Leclercq-Samson, Julien Chevallier and Jean-Marc Francony. I have defended my PhD thesis in December 2017, under the supervision of Valérie Perrier, Marianne Clausel and Laurent Condat. Before that, I was graduated from the École nationale supérieure d’informatique et de mathématiques appliquées, an engineering school of the Grenoble INP Institute of Technology.

For more information please find a resumé or my curriculum vitæ

  • Image and signal processing
  • Machine learning
  • Stochastic processes
  • Graphs analysis
  • PhD in applied mathematics, 2017

    University Grenoble Alpes

  • Engineering degree (MSc) from Ensimag, 2013

    Grenoble INP Institute of Technology


PhD students

Master students

For the complete list of my supervisions (other internships and projects), see my curriculum vitæ.


Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
(2024). Gridless 2D Recovery of Lines Using the Sliding Frank-Wolfe Algorithm. 32th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO).

PDF Cite Code HAL

(2024). From CNNs to Shift-Invariant Twin Models Based on Complex Wavelets. 32th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO).

PDF Cite Code HAL

(2022). Génération de Modèles Graphiques. GRETSI 2022 - XXVIIIème Colloque Francophone de Traitement Du Signal et Des Images.

PDF Cite Poster HAL

(2021). Modélisation Parcimonieuse de CNNs Avec Des Paquets d'Ondelettes Dual-Tree. ORASIS 2021 - Journées Francophones Des Jeunes Chercheurs En Vision Par Ordinateur.

PDF Cite Poster Slides Video HAL

(2021). Riesz-Based Orientation of Localizable Gaussian Fields. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.

PDF Cite Slides Video DOI HAL

(2019). Une Approche Convexe de La Super-Résolution et de La Régularisation de Lignes 2D Dans Les Images. XXVIIème Colloque GRETSI (GRETSI 2019).

PDF Cite Slides HAL

(2019). A Convex Approach to Superresolution and Regularization of Lines in Images. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences.

PDF Cite Poster Slides DOI HAL

(2016). Convex Super-Resolution Detection of Lines in Images. 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO).

PDF Cite Poster Slides DOI HAL

(2015). Modélisations de Textures Par Champ Gaussien à Orientation Locale Prescrite. GRETSI 2015 - XXVème Colloque Francophone de Traitement Du Signal et Des Images.

PDF Cite Poster HAL

(2014). Texture Modeling by Gaussian Fields with Prescribed Local Orientation. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).

PDF Cite Slides DOI HAL


Conference EUSIPCO 2024
Gridless 2D Recovery of Lines using the Sliding Frank-Wolfe Algorithm
DATA seminar 2023
On the Shift Invariance of Max Pooling Feature Maps in Convolutional Neural Networks
Workshop ASCETE 2023
On the Shift Invariance of Max Pooling Feature Maps in Convolutional Neural Networks
Conference GRETSI 2022
Generation of graphical models



Wavelets and applications

  • Course
    • Lecture 1 – From Fourier to the 1D Continuous Wavelet Transform
    • Lecture 2 – Wavelet zoom: a local characterization of functions
    • Lecture 3 – The 2D Continuous Wavelet Transform
    • Lecture 4 – The 1D Discrete Wavelet Transform and 1D Multi-resolution Analysis
    • Lecture 5 – The 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform and 2D Multi-resolution Analysis
    • Lecture 6 – Linear and nonlinear approximations in wavelet bases
    • Lecture 7 – The scattering transform
    • Lecture 8 – The Laplacian of a graph and its applications
    • Lecture 9 – The graph Fourier transform and wavelets on graphs
  • Lab tutorials

Course content


DLST (Université Grenoble Alpes) — ATER


Ensimag (Grenoble INP) — Label RES-DCE

For the details of my teaching, see my curriculum vitæ.


  • kevin.polisano@cnrs.fr
  • 33457421889
  • 150 Place du Torrent, Saint-Martin d'Hérès, Isère 38400
  • Office 149 on Floor 1
  • Every day from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. except on Tuesday